• Project Name: Support 1,600 Clan Investment Unit members
  • Client: TIP TESO
  • Location: SOROTI
  • Year Completed: 2020
  • FUNDER: CARITAS Switzerland

Activity 1:     Conducting a soil fertility mapping study: A Soil scientist from the Serere National Semi-Arid Resource Research Institute was hired to conduct this study in the project sub counties to map out soil fertility status and recommend on low cost sustainable land management and agro-ecology methods to be promoted.




Activity 2:      Conduct a local poultry agribusiness value chain study: livestock agribusiness consultant from AFRISA was hired to conduct the poultry Agribusiness Value Chain study to analyze market demand, profitability, potential for income security, compliance to animal friendly husbandry and market integration, and recommend the potential market value chain for local poultry and the high return market positions to be adopted by local smallholder poultry farmers.









Activity 3:      Developing of 05 training manuals for community extension agents: The project hired consultants to develop 5 training manuals and printed 124 copies of each standard Trainers’ Manuals for: (i) Savings and Loan schemes (VSLA) management; (ii) Good Agro-Ecology and Climate adapted Agricultural Practices; (iii) Local Poultry Business Management; (iv) Farming as a business; and (v) Entrepreneurship skills development.









Activity 4:      Conducting training of Trainers for 320 community extension agents: This was aimed at building a self-reliant and self-sustaining community-based extension system. each CIU has community extension agents as peer trainers and mentors. Overall, the project trained 80Savings and lending agents as facilitators for VSLA management; 160Community Agriculture extension Agents (CAEAs) for crop agronomy; and 80 Community Poultry Agents (CPAs).







Activity 5:      Equipping Community poultry agents for poultry disease Surveillance and vaccination: this was to ensure timely community access to veterinary services, assess and detect disease outbreak, and conduct a community-wide poultry vaccination.


Activity 6:      Trainings:

  480 training sessions agro-ecology and climate adapted Agricultural Practices: these were peer training sessions conducted by the trained Community Agricultural Extension Agents to support fellow farmer with an on farm out reach support as part of the extension services.




     80 training sessions in farmland planning, sustainable land management practices:  this was conducted together with district production department so that CIU members plan the effective use of their farmlands




            240 training sessions in poultry management: this was focused on roles of youth and women in poultry production, housing, supplementary feeding, pest and disease control and animal-friendly husbandry. The district veterinary departments routinely provided mentorship and support.





    160 training sessions in safe nutrition and kitchen gardening: the training put emphasis on food planning, processing and preservation practices, and dietary diversity; a simple home-based vegetable production technologies and small-scale drip irrigation was emphasized.



Activity 7:      Provide agro-inputs to 1,600 CIU members

The project procured and distributed to CIU members improved seeds, namely: cassava cuttings (NAROCAS 1 and NASE 14 varieties) Green grams (NARO Gram I-II varieties) maize seeds (longe 5 Kenya) and groundnuts (Serenat 9-14 varieties). Each household was also given assorted vegetable seeds (of eggplant, Sukuma wiki, cowpeas, and tomato) and 10 seedlings of quick maturing and soil fertility enhancing tree (lucinea, and calliandra).






Results 1:      Local poultry production is improving household incomes of the local smallholder poultry farmers in the project areas and beyond.

2:       There is increased food security due to increased adoption of improved agro-ecological, climate friendly, poultry and kitchen gardening practices.

3:       Improved nutrition among CIU member   household

4:       improved community based Agricultural and poultry extension services


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